October 25, 2013

How Many Jenny's Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Well Hello There!

Been a bit since I last posted...almost 2 months..wow.
Where does the time go? No...I REALLY want to know!
So, let me catch you up.
1. Caitlin started 9th grade special education
(we are still doing home school)

2. Natalie decided in mid-September that she wasn't happy in public school and wanted to give home school a try for her 5th grade year.
So now after jumping threw some hoops, she is doing home school now.

3. Ed's still working at the gas station.

4. All of my time is consumed by running around after everyone, paying bills, doing errands, chores and of course, home schooling the girls...which is a HUGE undertaking!
I've learned that home schooling is not for everyone and forget about doing it if you have a job, you have to be home 24/7.

So there's the catch-up (not Ketchup/Catsup) 

Onto Seasonal Things --- or Adventures in Home School Field Trips

Today we (Mom, Caitlin, Natalie and I) went on our first home school field trip!
Mom had a brilliant idea to take the girls out to Jacksonville to check out the fall colors, sights and smells and enjoy a beautiful day.
So the girls each had a Fall Nature Walk sheet to fill out.
We had fun collecting leaves of different colors, shapes and sizes...a grounds keeper called out to us as he could see we we're picking up leaves and twigs off of the ground and he said, "Help yourselves...take all you want!" with a laugh.
Natalie and I thought that was funny.

He was nice man and tried to tell us where we could also go to see the beautiful fall colors and get more leaves, but we got lost trying to find it.
So we preambled around Jacksonville looking at the beautiful fall colors and taking pictures.
Check it out below:
Here are Grandma, Caitlin and Natalie in front of the Art Gallery on the Jacksonville Museum grounds. This building used to be The Children's Museum, but it's an art gallery now.
(Click on the pictures to enlarge them)

We went inside the art gallery after we collected our leaves and twigs for our art/nature projects we are going to make with them.
The gallery was neat, lots of artwork on display, most of it mixed-media. 
It was fun to look with the girls and get their interpretations of the art.
Natalie found an art station set up in the back of the exhibit and we were allowed to create our own art item that we could hang up on a bulletin board.
I thought that was so cool and fun!
We all took turns.
Natalie and Caitlin brought their art home, but Mom and I left ours at the gallery.

After having a fun time in the gallery, we went across the street in search of an oak tree so we could gather some acorns for another art project.

Luckily we found some and we were allowed to pick them up out of the yard.

We took lots of pictures, here are some more:

Even more pictures:

Natalie The Ham
(It runs in our family!)

Natalie and I had fun shuffling our feet threw the leaves and then picking up handfuls and throwing them on each other.
I think I might still have one down my shirt!

Ok...so for the last bit of new mews (news)
it's kitty related.
From my earlier posts you know that we cats and we love them all very much.
I rescued 3 black kittens in Sept (Ed was ready to kill me I think). The kittens are ALL black..whiskers, pads and all.
I named the three siblings Magic, Merlin and Poe.
But their nickname quickly became "The DOOM Squad!"
Can you figure out why?
I shouldn't have to say that they were major troublemakers.
They broke so much stuff and were outta control!
Ed and I decided that we would find new homes for the two boys, Merlin and Poe, and keep Magic for our cat clan family.
We found a nice home for Merlin and Poe, we even found a loving owner for Jewel. 
It was kind of sad to see her go, but I know the owner will love her and spoil her with love.

So now we are back down to 4 cats: Squeaky, Ms.Kitty, Sookie and Magic.
Here's a picture of Magic...being herself:
Yes she is hanging upside down...LOL!

She's a troublemaker all by herself, but she gets Squeaky involved in her food stealing schemes and then it's really a disaster.
Squeaky is getting really old and he likes to lay on top of the backs of our desk chairs...and he falls asleep and then before you know it he's falling off the chair.
Poor Mr.Squeaks!

Sookie acts like a mommy to Magic and plays tag and hide and go seek with her.
It's quite funny to see...but dangerous at night if you are walking around and they are running around here like crazy..cats!

Let's see...what else can I tell you...oh and Halloween (my favorite holiday) is just around the corner.
Natalie is going to be a witch and Caitlin is her black cat.
Cute, huh?
They came up with the idea.
Mom took Natalie and one of Natalie's friends, Christopher, to Seven Oaks Farm a week ago and they had fun, picked out pumpkins, fed farm animals, went on a hayride and all that fun fall/harvest time stuff.

I will have to share the pictures later that she took.

So...this weekend we are carving pumpkins, so far it's been decided that Natalie is turning hers into Gizmo from the movie "Gremlins" and Caitlin is carving hers into Scooby-Doo.
I'll share how they turn out later.

Gotta run for now...got leaves to press and art supplies to go buy and all that fun stuff.

I will share more later!

Happy Fall Y'all & I hope you have a spooky n' creepy Halloween!

Scare ya later!!


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