June 02, 2014

The Money Pitt...Safari Day Trip and a Bump in the Road...

Hello...it's been several months since I've posted anything..so here we go:

The update drum roll please.........

Edward is still working at the gas station, although he is now working mainly in the store than out at the pumps...which is good.

We had some excitement earlier this year, we had planned to move.
We found a nice big 4 bedroom house and everything, at first, seemed okay.
We were all looking forward to moving, let's just say things were not as they seemed and the whole thing fell threw.
Let's just say, we wouldn't have been any better off where we are now...in fact I think that house is the real life version of the Money Pit.
We've resigned ourselves to the fact that we will be living in this shoe box we call home for another year or less.
We have to wait and see.

Edward, myself and the girls have been wanting to go on a little day trip so we decided on going to Wildlife Images in Winston, Oregon.
I am planning on posting a bunch of pictures of our Safari trip at Wildlife Images.

So now I get to the "Bump in the Road" part.

Natalie has joined the American Sewing Guild with her Grandma Kathy. I think it's awesome that they have something to do together that they both love.
Natalie is a really talented sewer too.
She wants to start a sewing club when she goes back to public school.

Mom finished my Everything Japanese Quilt.
I think it's beautiful! Now I just need to get a comforter, bed skirt and sheets that go with!!
She also made me some Asian pillows.

Mom came to pick Natalie up for a sewing day and Natalie (somehow, someway) managed to fall between the car and the curb in front of our home.
Mom called us and said that Natalie fell.
We hurried her off to the hospital cause it was a holiday (Memorial Day) and we figured the doctor's office wouldn't be open.
Long story short is that Natalie broke her Tibia.
She has a hairline fracture running up from her ankle up her shin.
She's healing, but is hating life. She hates crutches and hates not being able to walk around.
n the bright side...she has a neon pink cast!
I've nicknamed her "Pink The Peg-Legged Pirate"

Scroll down to see all the pictures.

I think that's it from me for now..I've been so exhausted taking care of Natalie 24/7, since Edward seems to always be at work of late.

