September 02, 2013

Labor Day..Isn't Labor-Free

Wow...where did August go? I kept complaining that I wanted summer break to be over for my girls..cause we were all driving each other up the walls. Now school is getting ready to start tomorrow!
WOOT! Everybody Dance Now!!
Let's see...I need to sum up...Natalie went to science week (kind of like a day camp for science nerds) Natalie loves being a science nerd. She is proud of it. She loves school.
All I've heard all summer is "when is school gonna start?!"
On the other hand I have Caitlin who doesn't want school to start..she loves summer break. LOL!
Here are some pictures of Natalie on the last day of Science Week:

She had a blast...literally..she got to make a rocket.
Natty got to make all kinds of things and learned a lot.
She taught me about polymers.

Let's see Edward celebrated his 44th birthday!

He wasn't very happy about turning 44..but who is? Right?
Least now he's getting grey/white hair!

Let's see, Mom and I took the girls back to school shopping and I think it did us all in!
Natalie is a shopping queen! That girl will shop 'til she drops!
It was good we got it done in a day...but it wiped out Mom & I.

I got cellulitis at the end of July.
I haven't had it in several years and it was really a blow, physically and mentally, to get it again.
If you don't know what that's skin infection and can be quite serious if not taken care of promptly.
I'm doing better now...but I feel a bit paranoid now that I might get it again.
I guess we will just have to see.

I've been working on cross stitch projects all summer too.
Trying to get a jump on Christmas presents.
Will share pictures of them when I can...I don't want anyone seeing their presents early!
I made two resolutions at the beginning of this year...that I was going to not wait until the last minute to get presents ready for Christmas..and the 2nd one was to try and get better about remembering people's birthday's and anniversaries....which I haven't been too good about.

Let's see....anything else...hmmmm...
The girls got their hair cut before school starts...Caitlin surprised me and wanted her hair cut really short! 
I will have to take pictures of them both and share.

Natalie played with the camera this summer and took some cute's a picture she took of herself:

That's her "surprise" face.
What a goofy, funny girl she is.

Let's had some drama and confusion with 2 school districts...had drama with our car, a cop and another ticket for Ed...
Daughter drama for both girls as they are becoming young ladies now.
Growing up is a pain and a roller coaster as they are finding out.

I'm still reading Grimm's Fairy Tales.
We've loved, lost, laughed and cried this summer.
My cat Midnight took off, she ran outside and I couldn't catch her, she had been sick for a little while and Edward and I think she might have taken off to die..which really breaks my heart. 
I really loved her.
I made this picture recently of a few our kitties:

I'm a sucker for hard luck cases...and last night I rescued more fur babies.
Will have to take pictures and show you them when we can.
I think that's about it.
I'm just happy that school starts tomorrow.
Hope you have a nice Labor Day!